ニュース & イベント

Thermo Fisher Scientific announces agreement with Advanced Electrophoresis Solutions Ltd to accelerate therapeutic development through cutting-edge protein analysis
Welcome to the tutorial on “Capillary Iso-Electric Focusing (CIEF) – Prime Methodology for Protein Characterization” (presented by Dr. Gerard Rozing, sponsored by AES) and our virtual booth on July 12th Monday, 2021.

Advanced Electrophoresis Solutions Ltd. (AES) was founded in 2010. The Company is dedicated in providing cutting-edge instrumentations, ampholytes, and supplies in the iCIEF field. The Company now has become a unique total solution provider for protein iCIEF separation and characterization in the industry. The Company has been working with leading biopharmaceutical companies and research institutes to address their diversely urgent needs and save millions of dollars to meet their budget goal by avoiding potential product disruption, establishing QC methods, and helping regulatory filing.

Tiemin Huang, Ph.D.
President and CEO

Victor Li, M.Sc.
Operation Manager

Tong Chen, Ph.D.
Product Manager

Gerard Rozing, Ph.D.
Dr. Rozing は高速液体クロマトグラフィー (HPLC) 技術のパイオニアであり、30 年以上にわたってこの業界で働いています。 彼は、産業界において基礎科学と技術的解決策の橋渡しをする能力お持っており、優れた研究者として分離科学の分野で広く認められています。 ロージング博士は、分離科学においてよく引用される 57件の出版物を執筆しており、6 件の米国特許を取得しています。
As a Scientific Advisor of AES, Dr. Xing-Zheng Wu has been involved in capillary electrophoresis (CE) research since 1992. He is the first author of the paper (Electrophoresis, 16, 1474-1478 (1995)), which described the first iCIEF cartridge with membrane technology that allows continuous sample injection and analysis. He published over 80 original works in the fields of in-capillary pre-concentration for CE separation and detection of low concentration samples. In addition to CE, his research interests include optical beam deflection method, fluorescence, chemiluminescence, and nano-particles. Dr. Wu is a Professor of Fukuoka Institute of Technology in Japan. He holds a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Tokyo.

Xing-Zeng Wu, Ph.D.

Xing-Zeng Wu, Ph.D.
As a Scientific Advisor of AES, Dr. Xing-Zheng Wu has been involved in capillary electrophoresis (CE) research since 1992. He is the first author of the paper (Electrophoresis, 16, 1474-1478 (1995)), which described the first iCIEF cartridge with membrane technology that allows continuous sample injection and analysis. He published over 80 original works in the fields of in-capillary pre-concentration for CE separation and detection of low concentration samples. In addition to CE, his research interests include optical beam deflection method, fluorescence, chemiluminescence, and nano-particles. Dr. Wu is a Professor of Fukuoka Institute of Technology in Japan. He holds a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Tokyo.

Novo Nordisk,
Novartis, Eli Lilly,
Takeda, Alexion,
Amgen, Biogen,etc
University of Waterloo
University of Salzburg
VU University Amsterdam
Aalen University, etc
Novo Nordisk,
Novartis, Eli Lilly,
Takeda, Alexion,
Amgen, Biogen,etc
University of Waterloo
University of Salzburg
VU University Amsterdam
Aalen University, etc